TinyPFA /
Menu Tree
- FREQ set the expected input frequency
- TAU sets the measurement interval
- DECIMATION sets the decimation factor used to reach the selected Tau. A lower value suppresses the phase noise close to Tau. Set to 10 to have comparable phase bandwidth at equal starting Tau as PhaseStation.
- NULL PHASE sets the measured phase to null
- NULL A FREQ calibrates the internal reference using the frequency measured at port A. This only needs to be done once and the calibration data will be stored in NVM. Useful when measuring frequencies using only port A. The accuracy of the internal reference is about 0.01 Hz.
- PLL enables the PLL that keeps the internal measurement frequency equal to the port 1 input frequency. For best measurements, do not disable
- SIDE CHANNEL enables a side channel 8 kHz above the target frequency to measure and correct for temperature induced phase errors.
- CORRECT PULLING experimental algorithm to correct leakage between the two inputs.
- MORE internal settings, do not change.
- FFT OFF disables the FFT
- FFT PHASE enables the FFT on the phase measurement to see any phase modulation components.
- FFT AMP enables the FFT on the channel A amplitude measurement to see any amplitude modulation components.
- AVERAGE enables averaging over multiple traces
- MAX AVER set the amount of traces to average over
- SCROLL TRACE enables scrolling traces when the maximum amount of points in the trace is reached. New measurements are added to the right.
- TRACE x select trace x for manipulation or activate/deactivate the trace
- FORMAT select one of the possible data display formats for the current trace, 'A'=input 1, 'B' = input 2, 'D' = difference between the inputs, 'S' = side channel
- SAMPLE will show the raw waveform as it enters the ADC, must be deselected for other data to show. Disabling may require restart
- RESIDUE is the linear residue of the phase difference between the two inputs.
- AUTO SCALE set the scale and reference position such that all measurements will just fit in vertical direction.
- SCALE/DIV sets the per division, not used when AUTO SCALE is enabled
- REFERENCE POSITION sets values shown at the middle of the screen, not used when AUTO SCALE is enabled
- SHOW GRID VALUES for the current trace
- POINTS set the maximum number of measurement points shown in a trace.
- TRACE AVERAGE sets the PHASE and FREQ numbers to display the average over all measurements in the trace
- LOG selects one of PHASE, UNWRAPPED PHASE or FREQUENCY. Use UNWRAPPED PHASE or FREQUENCY to avoid scaling in timelab. Use PHASE (range -0.5..+0.5) for high speed logging over USB
- USB LOG send each differential phase measurement over serial over USB for applications like Timelab. Phase is always in
- PREFIX Allows changing the default USB logging channel prefix for identifying a tinyPFA
- DISK LOG writes each differential phase measurement to the SD card. Asks for a file name when AUTO NAME is not enabled. Files will be overwritten when using the same name. Only insert/remove an SD card when powered down
- AUTO NAME enables automatic file names based on date/time
- SAVE SCREENSHOT save a screen image without the menu being displayed. Asks for a file name when AUTO NAME is not enabled.
- LOAD BITMAP displays a previously saved screenshot, continues after pressing jog button
- SEND DISK LOG send a disk log over USB
- LOG SIDE log the phase correction when the side channel is enabled.
- TOUCH CAL calibrate touch
- SAVE CONFIG not fully operational
- CONNECTION to be used to select between USB and serial connection
- VERSION show SW version info
- BRIGHTNESS set display brightness using jog button left/right. Press jog button when finished
- PAUSE DISPLAY pauses measurements.